MATLAB with TensorFlow and PyTorch for Deep Learning Video - MAT...
Explore the options, benefits, and examples of interoperability between MATLAB and other frameworks for deep learning, including TensorFlow, PyTorch, and ONNX.
System-level Simulation of an Aperture Array Beamformer Video - ...
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) system design is an iterative process. It involves the derivation of system parameters from the user requirements and takes orbital geometry and practical system real...
5G Vulnerability Analysis with Reinforcement Learning Toolbox Vi...
5G is a critical infrastructure to protect from adversarial attacks. See how we leverage reinforcement learning techniques to expose and remediate emerging threat vectors using Reinforcement Learni...
Simulating Land and Sea Surfaces in Dynamic Radar Scenarios Vide...
In this webinar, we will demonstrate how to model surface reflections from land and sea in a radar scenario.
Implement Droop Controllers for Islanded Operation of Remote Mic...
Learn how to design grid-forming controllers with droop control for an islanded operation of a remote microgrid.
Biomechanical Analysis and Visualization Video - MATLAB
Learn how to rapidly deploy BoB Biomechanics, a commercial human musculoskeletal model with built-in mathematical tools and advanced graphics, using MATLAB.
Automating an Audio Labeling Workflow with Deep Learning for Voi...
In this presentation, we’ll discuss our experience using a pretrained deep learning model in a labeling algorithm and show how we adopted automation of an audio labeling workflow towards voice acti...
Data-Centric AI for Signal Processing Applications Video - MATLA...
Learn how to leverage your domain expertise to successfully apply AI for industrial signal processing applications, where you can’t typically rely on massive amounts of clean training data or ready...
Fitting AI Models for Embedded Deployment Video - MATLAB
Learn about approaches and tools for fitting deep neural networks and machine learning models onto embedded hardware with limited memory, including support for neural network pruning and model opti...
Python for MATLAB Development Video - MATLAB
MATLAB can run Python code! This talk shows how easy it is to call Python functions from MATLAB to read and write file types that MATLAB doesn’t handle natively and create richly customized Excel f...
Creating an Algorithm for Personalized Fitness Programming Video...
The Deep Athletics algorithm creates personalized, long-term fitness programming based on an athlete’s goals, fitness level, equipment, and time availability. As those factors change, the athlete’s...
Machine Learning with Simulink and NVIDIA Jetson Video - MATLAB
Learn how to leverage the NVIDIA Jetson Platform and Simulink AI with Model-Based Design to solve complex problems, such as detecting objects in an image or accurately predicting battery state-of-c...
How to Turn Your Script into a Simple App Video - MATLAB
With interactive controls in the Live Editor, anybody can create a simple MATLAB app. Learn how you can turn a MATLAB script into an interactive app.
Connecting MATLAB to USRP for Wireless System Design Video - MAT...
Discover Wireless Testbench, a new toolbox for MATLAB and USRP connectivity that helps users explore and test wireless designs by providing reference applications for spectrum monitoring, signal de...
Error Mode Identification in Gas Turbines Through Predictive Mai...
MAN Energy Solutions SE is a German multinational company that produces diesel engines and turbomachinery for marine and stationary applications. The plant in Oberhausen builds gas turbines for mec...
Secure, Automated, Internet-Based mmWave Test and Measurement wi...
Learn how to automate test solutions for Avnet’s mmWave Radio Kit for Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC Gen-3, using Rohde & Schwarz’s 5G NR signal generation and analysis for fast, remote testing thro...
Modeling and Simulation of Autonomous Mobile Robot Algorithms Vi...
In this webinar, we walk through prototyping and deployment of mobile robot algorithms. We showcase generation of occupancy maps and simulation environment from images, leveraging out-of-the-box to...
Designing a Lidar Sensor Classifier Using a MATLAB Framework Vid...
Explore and understand deep learning functions from function development through embedded target realization using a MATLAB framework.
Deploying Cloud-Native MATLAB Algorithms in Kubernetes Video - M...
Learn how to quickly deploy MATLAB Production Server in a Kubernetes cluster on public clouds like AWS and Azure with our reference architecture and directly manipulate HTTP request and response in...
製造業におけるデジタルトランスフォーメーション パーソルクロステ...
製造業のDX推進では「どこから手を付ければいいか分からない」という課題を良くお伺いします。 本セミナーでは製造業界でのデジタル化を丁寧に解説。業務プロセス・QCD・リソース観点での課題からデジ...