Mars Sample Fetch Rover: Autonomous, Robotic Sample Fetching Vid...
Learn about the implementation of robotics and vision systems for sample acquisition.
Developing an Autonomous Cobot with Multimodal Control Using Mod...
See how we are using Model-Based Design to develop a coworking robot hand that incorporates multiple sensors. This session provides an overview of our development of robot hand control systems from...
Design and Simulate Scenarios for Automated Driving Applications...
Learn how to author scenarios on realistic road networks in RoadRunner. Design custom actor behaviors in MATLAB, Simulink, or CARLA. Export scenarios to OpenSCENARIO for simulation and analysis in ...
アジャイル開発における反復の重要性とプロダクトバックログづくり ...
VUCAの時代。ITシステムでは、価値あるソフトウエアを素早く提供する事がますます求められます。その為に重要なのが「アジャイル開発」。 本セミナーではアジャイル開発のエキスパートが、現場で良く...
Enabling the Green Hydrogen Supply Chain with MATLAB and Simulin...
Green hydrogen is a growing source of energy for electrified transport and fossil-free industries. Discover how Model-Based Design contributes to an efficient and insightful supply chain, from sun ...
Simulate and Deploy UAV Applications with SIL and HIL Workflows ...
Learn how to use software-in-the-loop and hardware-in-the-loop workflows to simulate and deploy UAV applications. You can integrate UAV onboard computers, ground control stations, and autopilots wi...
Developing a Racing Catamaran Powered by Hydrogen Video - MATLAB...
Capgemini is developing a racing catamaran propelled by a mix of energy sources including hydrogen. The objective is to master this hybrid propulsion system and to optimize it thanks to the complet...
Energy Storage Systems: A Flexible Grid Asset Video - MATLAB & S...
In this presentation, we will demonstrate how energy storage systems can improve grid operations and facilitate increased usage of renewables.
Electric Drive Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL): Skip the Beta Phase! ...
We used hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) to “skip the beta phase”—saving money, time, materials, and rework by creating a system to test software and control cards for a multimillion-dollar plant in real...
Deploying Motor Control Algorithms to a TI C2000 Dual-Core Micro...
Use Simulink to partition and simulate FOC algorithms and peripheral delays. See how to schedule algorithm execution between partitions. Verify execution timing and deploy embedded code to separat...
Rapid Prototyping of Embedded Designs Using NXP Model-Based Desi...
Get to know NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox—a connection between MathWorks and NXP ecosystems. Learn how to design a battery management system from the initial idea to an embedded prototype running ...
Reuse of Simulink Components Within Chip-Level Design and Verifi...
Learn how to shorten the design and verification time of an Integrated Circuit by reusing Simulink models within EDA workflows through generation of SystemVerilog behavioral models as well as synth...
Automotive DevOps for Model-Based Design with AWS Video - MATLAB...
Learn how AWS, NXP, and MathWorks collaborated to build a cloud-to-vehicle DevOps solution for Model-Based Design of vehicle control algorithms.
Models Exchange and Virtual Integration with MATLAB and Simulink...
See how Collins Aerospace Applied Research and Technology used Simulink and the FMI standard to facilitate the internal collaboration between Collins Aerospace teams and streamline external collabo...
A Software Shift Left by Utilizing Model-Based Design and MathWo...
See how Model-Based Design was used in an algorithmically complex project along with MathWorks code generation tools. This led to a considerable software shift left and improved cross-team collabor...
Fuel Cell Systems: A Challenge of Multiphysical Simulations Vide...
Learn how to create detailed simulation models for fuel cell applications based on the combination of multiphysical domains for sizing the balance of plant components, reducing the complexity of c...
Digital Transformation in Education: Lightning Round Video - MAT...
Educators will share best practices for the digital transformation of their courses using MATLAB and Simulink. Examples range from using modeling and simulation with virtual labs to expanding inter...
Using Virtual Twins for Distance Learning in Control Systems Lab...
See how virtual twins were used to extend classical university control systems labs. Quanser hardware was replaced by digital counterparts for HIL systems modeled in Simulink, allowing students to ...
Preparing Engineers for the Growing AI Workforce Video - MATLAB
Find out how MathWorks tools empower engineers, including those with minimal AI experience, to develop better systems that use AI workflows. Learn how to accelerate the incorporation of AI into eng...
System and Software Development and Safety Analysis for Digital ...
The automotive industry has changed in the last century, pushing the need for improved product development methodology and tools. Defining an MBSE workflow with System Composer provides a digital b...